It's been awhile but only two more days of classes left for the semester! Very excited about that, summer here I come! Well actually it's been still rather chilly outside, which is a bit of a downer, but that is okay summer will be here soon enough and I will then be complaining about how hot it is.
Today we went to Andrew's mothers birthday lunch at Zealong tea plantation. It was very pretty, although a tad overcast and rainy at times. We went on the tea tour and had a tasting, then we had lunch, it was an eventful afternoon. I don't much care for the tea they had so I wasn't too big on it but it was nice to enjoy the day with family.
Today was the first day of picking the spring harvest, which apparently is the best time to buy tea because this is the best tasting harvest.

Andrew's mother got the 'high tea' for her meal, it had a mini burger and lots of sweets as well as sushi in it.
Andrew loves tea so much he tried to take the big pot home.
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